The first season of CatDog premiered on April 4, 1998, with the episodes "Dog Gone" and "All You Can't Eat" This season introduced the central premise of the series, focusing on the misadventures of the conjoined brothers Cat and Dog, whose conflicting personalities create humorous and chaotic situations. Set in the fictional town of Nearburg, the season also established recurring characters such as the Greaser Dogs, Winslow, and other quirky inhabitants.
The season concluded on October 29, 1998, with the episodes "All About Cat" and "Trespassing." Comprising a total of 20 episodes.
List of episodes[]
"Dog Gone" | April 4, 1998 | |
"All You Can't Eat" | April 4, 1998 | |
"Flea or Die" | October 5, 1998 | |
"CatDog Food" | October 5, 1998 | |
"Full Moon Fever" | October 16, 1998 | |
"War of the CatDog" | October 16, 1998 | |
"Pumped" | October 13, 1998 | |
"Dummy Dummy" | October 13, 1998 | |
"Nightmare" | October 21, 1998 | |
"CatDogPig" | October 21, 1998 | |
"Squirrel Dog" | October 14, 1998 | |
"Brother's Day" | October 14, 1998 | |
"The Island" | October 6, 1998 | |
"All You Need is Lube" | October 6, 1998 | |
"Party Animal" | October 9, 1998 | |
"Mush, Dog, Mush!" | October 9, 1998 | |
"Diamond Fever" | October 8, 1998 | |
"The Pet" | October 8, 1998 | |
"Shriek Loves Dog" | October 7, 1998 | |
"Work Force" | October 7, 1998 | |
"Escape from the Deep End" | October 15, 1998 | |
"The Collector" | October 15, 1998 | |
"CatDog's End" | October 19, 1998 | |
"Siege on Fort CatDog" | October 19, 1998 | |
"Armed and Dangerous" | October 12, 1998 | |
"Fistful of Mail!" | October 12, 1998 | |
"Safety Dog" | October 20, 1998 | |
"Dog Come Home!" | October 20, 1998 | |
"New Neighbors" | October 22, 1998 | |
"Dead Weight" | October 22, 1998 | |
"All About Cat" | October 29, 1998 | |
"Trespassing" | October 29, 1998 | |
"Just Say CatDog Sent Ya" | October 27, 1998 | |
"Dog's Strange Condition" | October 27, 1998 | |
"Home Is Where the Dirt Is" | October 26, 1998 | |
"New Leash on Life" | October 26, 1998 | |
"Neferkitty" | October 23, 1998 | |
"Curiosity Almost Killed the Cat" | October 23, 1998 | |
"Smarter Than the Average Dog" | October 28, 1998 | |
"CatDog Doesn't Live Here Anymore" | October 28, 1998 |
- This is the only season to not have any double-length episodes.