A list of things of improvements that users can help on the Cat Dog Wiki to make it easier and look good are:
- A transcript page for the episodes connected to the article to led to its transcript page.
- Make the galleries for the episodes and characters who don't have one yet so it wouldn't look packed on the main article of the respective articles.
- Make the character pages for those who made a minor appearance or a single one in the series that haven't had their pages made similar to main characters and recurring characters.
- Improve some of the articles, which includes characters, episodes, galleries, transcripts, plots, and other miscellaneous stuff on the wiki.
- Categorize articles with categories that are not obvious like animals with green skin or red hair.
- Categorize some of the articles with:
- -A to Z on every page on the wiki.
- -Season 1, 2, 3, or 4 characters for characters pages.
- -Letter category (A, B, C) depending what the page letter starts with.
- -Season 1, 2, 3, or 4 episodes for episodes pages.
- -Season 1, 2, 3, or 4 plots for plots pages.
- -Season 1, 2, 3, or 4 transcripts for transcripts pages.
- -Season 1, 2, 3, or 4 galleries for galleries pages.
- It depending what the page is about for characters, episodes, galleries, transcripts, plots, and other miscellaneous stuff on the wiki.
- If possible for the images imported here to not have watermark on them without the Nick logo or Kim Cartoon watermark.
- Images must be of high quality to look professional and great instead of being from a TV recording or from a laptop or computer recording. ✔️
Organize Images into correct pages and how the format example is on classic editor:
- Perhaps have a mouse pointer related from the show for looks when you move mouse to click on articles which displays the image anywhere you move it on wiki.
- Discord for users in the wiki to chat with each other and to keep wiki company 24/7 plus to talk about the show and fellow fans.
- Affiliation with other wikis especially Nicktoons wiki to display that they are in good terms and it would look great.
- Wiki Staff chart to let users know which type of users are in charge of the wiki if it's bureaucrats, admins, moderators, and rollback to ask for help on anything related to the wiki.
- Rules and all types of guidelines to let users know what to do and not to do on this wiki plus to have order on the wiki if something goes wrong but to avoid any type of trouble like trolling and spam.
If there are any improvements that need to be added, feel free to add them here if they are reasonable.