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CatDog Wiki
Dummy Dummy


Season 1, Episode 8
October 13, 1998
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Written by
Animation Director

Dummy Dummy is the second half of the eighth episode of CatDog from the first season.


Cat and Dog go grocery shopping. Cat tells Dog a knock-knock joke but Dog winds up laughing during the set-up. As the two go to pay for their groceries, Cat points out how Dog always buys one item whereas he pays for more. Cat wants Dog to treat himself, and Dog would buy a cat plush toy. In spite of an incident where Dog teases the Greasers and gets Cat hurt while he plays with the toy, Cat is flattered when Dog reveals he named it after him. Dog begins playing with Little Cat, while the real Cat is ignored more and more, to the point he begins to feel threatened by the toy. After a nightmare, Cat decides to leave home as he believes Dog is happier with Little Cat. Dog would begin to feel lonely and beg Cat to return, admitting that he cares about him more than a stuffed toy (though Dog does state Little Cat is great for a toy cat), to Cat's relief. Cat comes back inside and they do a knock-knock joke.

Characters Present


  • Shriek Dubois does not speak in this episode.
  • The Greaser Dogs's house was destroyed, according to its sister episode "Pumped".